ALLO TROTT has established a partnership with the very famous Cave Vinicole du Vieil Armand in Soultz-Wuenheim.
Ideally located at the end of the route, it offers you the opportunity to discover the treasures of our region during a wine tasting. Afterwards, you are free to admire the richness of the past exhibited in the cellar museum (free admission).
alsace destination tourisme
CONTACT : 03 89 20 10 68 | 1 rue Camille Schlumberger, BP 60337 F-68006 Colmar Cedex | info@adt.alsace
Open from monday to friday from 9 am à 12.30 am and 13.30 pm to 16.45 pm | www.alsace-destination-tourisme.com
alsace destination tourisme
ALLO TROTT warmly thanks Alsace Destination Tourisme for its collaboration and its support to our activity.
CONTACT : 03 89 20 10 68 | 1 rue Camille Schlumberger, BP 60337 F-68006 Colmar Cedex | info@adt.alsace
Open from monday to friday from 9 am à 12.30 am and 13.30 pm to 16.45 pm | www.alsace-destination-tourisme.com